FLX10 runnin serato displayed on the iPad via tethered Sidecar. Macbook displays Karafun, HDMI to the TV in the top left of the photo for lyric display. More info on Rack box on last photo on this page.

Traktor S8 before I got the FLX10. Couple things I miss about this with the upgrade - software FX controls, can do more than 2 FX at a time, always have filter instead of choosing between filter, dub echo, crush, etc…Freeze mode was super easy, still learning beat slicing.

Desktop set up from a few years ago, added a keyboard drawer etc. OWC RAID housing on the far right. OWC hub connecting everything, also a hub on the widescreen Samsung CRG9, tether to Sidecar from monitor’s hub.

DJ Set up before I started using Sidecar, SKB 4u rack box with wheels, 2 Sennheiser mic transmitters and a drawer for mics, batteries, etc.